Today. i going to talk about friends again ... in fact this information I got from my cousin ... he is sharing this information ...sory dear....copy and paste...hehehhe
Everyone wants the perfect life we are not even from different angles ... including the friendship ... there is a proverb saying is the perfect companion at the sight of her face, we will remember ALLAH SWT, to hear the words religion and see an action reminded of death ....
Sebaik baik sahabat di sisi Allah ialah orang yang terbaik terhadap temannya dan sebaik baik jiran disisi Allah ialah orang yang terbaik terhadap jirannya(H.R al-Hakim)
Have we ever wondered why ALLAH SWT created people of different races, colors and languages. ALLAH SWT says in Surah al-Hujurat verse 13, which means:
Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan, dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan berpuak-puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan (dan beramah mesra antara satu sama lain). Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang lebih bertakwa. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya.
What are the characteristics of a good friend?
An intelligent orders to his son: "O my son, if you feel the need for friends with someone, then you must choose the character as follows:
* If you serve him, he will protect you,
* If you close friendship with him, he will reply back your friendship;
* If you requires help from him, he will help you:
* If you lend him any good, he will receive it well:
* If he gets a welfare (assistance) from you, or says he will appreciate your kindness :
* If he sees something that is not better than you, he will close it;
* If you ask for help from him, he will be working on it:
* If you keep quiet (as embarrassed to ask), he will ask for your trouble:
* If you come to a disaster happened to you, he will relieve your distress;
* If you say to him, he will allow you:
* If you are planning something, he will help you:
* If you two at odds, he would more easily succumb to the interests of friendship;
* He forbade help meet their responsibilities and the evil and immoral conduct;
* lead him to achieve success in the world and the hereafter. As a teenager who managed to escape from the views of parents be careful when choosing friends. Because friends, we are happy but can also harm our friends.
Be careful or just leave a friend as follows:
* Friends of the greedy: it is greedy, it just gives a little and ask a lot, and it is just selfish.
* Friends of hypocrisy: it states friendly with respect to things past, or things to come, he tried to get sympathy with empty words, and if there is a chance to help, he said they are willing.
* Friend pengampu: He agrees with everything that you do not think is right or wrong, that he agreed with the seriousness that he did not dare to explain the truth, he praised you in front of and behind it, or betray responsibility humble yourself. When was the trust, betraying him. When you are in love, she rejected as false.
* Friend spender and like entertainment: it is your neighbor if you love partying, love to roam and are not supposed to melepakpada time, love to places of entertainment and amusement show.
* Friends who take you further away from ALLAH SWT.
*A person who does not add kebajikanmu in the world, again in the hereafter. An added benefit is no life in the hereafter, your friend is not true.
Be careful to choose friends, because friends can be a personal reflection. Make friends for ALLAH SWT to look pleased with him. Because of that religion has a guide who is fully in the life ins. One effect of the properties of piety (heart to fear ALLAH SWT or who believe), someone may not be betraying his own friend and mempersiakan trust or confidence given the reply.