i would like to share about message from our Rasulullah SAW to women so hope u all can take this as a moral value in our life.....
Dari Aisyah RA bahawa adiknya Asma pernah datang menghadap Rasulullah SAW dengan pakaian yang nipis. Lalu Rasulullah SAW bersabda,"apabila seseorang wanita telah baligh tidak boleh lagi terlihat auratnya, kecuali ini dan itu, Rasulullah SAW menunjukkan pada muka dan tapak tangan Baginda " (HR Abu Daud).
Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Sesungguhnya termasuk ahli neraka iaitu perempuan yang berpakaian tetapi telanjang (tidak menutup aurat) yang condong kepada maksiat dan menarik orang lain membuat maksiat. Mereka ini tidak akan masuk syurga dan tidak akan mencium bauny". (HR Muslim).
Rasulullah SAW bersabda,"tidak dibenarkan seorang lelaki duduk berdua-duaan dengan wanita tanpa dihadiri Muhrim." (HR Bukhari Muslim). Rasulullah SAW bersabda,"tidak berdua-duaan seorang lelaki dan wanita melainkan yang ketiganya syaitan."(HR Ahmad, Tirmizi dan Hakim)
"setiap wanita mana sahaja yang memakai wangi-wangian lalu dia berjalan melewati suatu kaum supaya mereka tercium bau wanginya bererti dia telah berzina."(HR Ahmad)
Hargailah dirimu sebagai seorang wanita...
seindah-indah perhiasan dunia...adalah wanita solehah
every human being has a story of joy and sorrow ... including me ... too many stories to share with you all..lets join my will know more about me...
Friday, 15 April 2011
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
"Syak Wasangka....Mana Tahu"
Nowadays people like to think, think ...
thought of good and bad thoughts....
* The religious people thought ripple
* People who "relax" presumed lazy
* People wear new clothes presumed point
* People who dressed poorly thought ascetic
* People eat a lot of thought glutton
* People eat a little thought "diet"
* A good people thought evil
* People good thought bad
* People thought mocking smile
* The sour unexpectedly insisting
* People "bermuzakarah" thought gossip
* The silent people suspected captured "membela"
* People seem happy supposed to defend
Who knows...
The rest was due to remembrance of Allah
Who knows...
The smile is because charity
Who knows...
Such as the recognition of a sour one's sins
Who knows...
That captured the hearts and mind as the net
Who knows...
The fun is as vigorous mind & always remember Allah
So stay away from attitudes like think-think as it would destroy the fraternity and destruction of fellow human beings as "musnahnya kayu dimakan api". One of the things we see, all sorts of conclusions that we can do. It all depends on how we see it ...Wallahu a’alam.....
and please remember...Firman Allah SWT
Allah berfirman: “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah dari kebanyakan dari syak wasangka, sesungguhnya sebahagian daripada syak wasangka itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain dan janganlah sebahagian kamu mengumpat sebahagian yang lain. Sukakah salah seorang di antara kamu memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati? Maka tentulah kamu merasa jijik kepadanya. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha penerima taubat lagi Maha Penyayang.” (Surah al-Hujurat 48: 12)
thought of good and bad thoughts....
* The religious people thought ripple
* People who "relax" presumed lazy
* People wear new clothes presumed point
* People who dressed poorly thought ascetic
* People eat a lot of thought glutton
* People eat a little thought "diet"
* A good people thought evil
* People good thought bad
* People thought mocking smile
* The sour unexpectedly insisting
* People "bermuzakarah" thought gossip
* The silent people suspected captured "membela"
* People seem happy supposed to defend
Who knows...
The rest was due to remembrance of Allah
Who knows...
The smile is because charity
Who knows...
Such as the recognition of a sour one's sins
Who knows...
That captured the hearts and mind as the net
Who knows...
The fun is as vigorous mind & always remember Allah
So stay away from attitudes like think-think as it would destroy the fraternity and destruction of fellow human beings as "musnahnya kayu dimakan api". One of the things we see, all sorts of conclusions that we can do. It all depends on how we see it ...Wallahu a’alam.....
and please remember...Firman Allah SWT
Allah berfirman: “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah dari kebanyakan dari syak wasangka, sesungguhnya sebahagian daripada syak wasangka itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain dan janganlah sebahagian kamu mengumpat sebahagian yang lain. Sukakah salah seorang di antara kamu memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati? Maka tentulah kamu merasa jijik kepadanya. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha penerima taubat lagi Maha Penyayang.” (Surah al-Hujurat 48: 12)
We Meet Again....
Assalamualaikum....sorry been a long time i did not update my blog..sorry2...not because I was disappointed .... depressed .... or whatever it is...but now I'm looking for how much knowledge we can share together here ....since i did not update my blog....i learn so many story about life behind our personality....our daily life and so on....i really excited to share with all of u about hope u all not in 'boring' mood when read my post after this....maybe some of u already read this before in my facebook.....its ok....i just want to share with who those not read it before...and for anyone who has read it ... you can make an example u all will enjoy u all....
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